Frankenstein Saturday 3: ESP-12 Drop-in Replacement

How to flash an ESP-12 module and make a drop-in replacement of a nonESP82xx Wi-Fi module for which you don’t have any datasheet or pinout.

Xiaomi Smart Video Doorbell 2 Review

Xiaomi’s battery powered 1080p video doorbell review and why its not the doorbell for you.

Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum 1S in Home Assistant

Integrating Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum 1S in Home Assistant and a few practical automations to make life even easier.

Tasmota Lights in Home Assistant Using Template Schema

The complex world of integrating Tasmota lights into Home Assistant using template schema.

Tuya Covers in Tasmota and Home Assistant

Configure Tuya based motors for covers (curtains, roller shades, blinds, …) in Tasmota and Home Assistant

Frankenstein Saturday 2: Electric Roller Shade Boogaloo

How to replace a Realtek WR4 module with an ESP8266 running Tasmota.